
02.10.2012 Best of British Illustration,Somerset House, The Strand, London 28.07.2008 “Best of British Illustration” 32 exhibition, London
09.10.2012 Happy Birthday Edward Lear, Southampton Solent University 18.09. 2007 “Best of European Illustration” (Illustrative) Exhibition Berlin
07.05.2012 Happy Birthday Edward Lear, Poetry Cafe London 27.07.2007 “Best of British Illustration” 3 1 exhibition, London
31.08.2011 Raw 5, Salford (Raw Collective, http://www.weareraw.co.uk/) 13.05.2006 “Best of European Illustration” (Illustrative) Exhibition Paris
03.8.2011 Illustrators East. London 06.08.2006 “Best of British Illustration” 30 exhibition, London
10.05.2012 “Best of European Illustration” (Illustrative) Exhibition Berlin 28.07.2005 “Best of British Illustration” 29 exhibition, London
07.09.2010 “Best of British Illustration” 34 exhibition, London 20.07.2004 “Best of British Illustration” 28 exhibition, London
03.10.2009 “Best of European Illustration” (Illustrative) Exhibition Berlin 25.07.2003 “Best of British Illustration” 27exhibition, London
29.07.2009 “Best of British Illustration” 33 exhibition, London 12.06.1998 Monster Collective Group Show. Conningsby ,Gallery London
18.10.2008 “Best of European Illustration” (Illustrative) Exhibition Zurich 20.10.2004 Design And Copyright Society, London